
Friday, 17 November 2017

2017 Athletics day

Screen Shot 2017-11-12 at 10.51.57 PM.pngIntroduction: Hook, the 4 W’s
Paragraph 1: What is Athletics Day? Which house were you in?
Paragraph 2: What types of sports and events were there?
Paragraph 3: What was your favourite event or part of the day?
Conclusion: Reflect: Do you think you did well? Did your friends do well? What did you think about the whole day?

Start writing here….
On friday at pt england school it was athletics day it was hot and sunny and it was fun because we did athletics i was in red.

And it was only year 6 boys all together and the girls was all together there was high jump and relays and discus and shot put and other athletics my favourite athletics was high jump and discus and relays because it was fun.

My favourite part was when we did high jump and discus and my last one was relays most of the boys came first and second and third at some athletics but it was fun my favourite part of the day was when all of the people was happy.  

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