
Monday 31 August 2020

Lockdown at level 3

Round 2 lock down 12 August 2020-30 August 2020: Lock down again at level 3 was fun but short. it was a struggle to buy things we needed because the G.I shopping centre was full sometimes. It was fun staying home doing anything you want like talking to your friends sleeping and eating most of the times. Sometimes it would be boring because the internet sometimes switched off then lag but it left me with good memories. As a family we enjoy having fun, Eating meals and staying home watching movies and playing games all the time it gives me more good memories.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Who is a Good Leader/Role model

How to be a good leader/role model

Who is a good leader?

In my opinion Jacinda Ardern is a good leader.

Jacinda Ardern is a responsible and respectful leader.

She is always standing up for people. Always helping each other and taking care

of your elders. And be prepared for everything and make good decisions and plans.

make sure to achieve everything and representing your country by working hard.

Thursday 11 June 2020

PE ABL 2020

Physical Education

Year 9 - ABL

Adventure-based learning

for Participation and Contribution


Name: Seluone

Teacher: Dorris  Image result for rise tamaki

Year 9 - ABL

Physical Education Achievement : Participate in a range of ABL activities focusing on communication, participation and encouragement.

Resource reference: Physical Education – Year 9 ABL

Resource Title: Adventure based learning for Participation and Contribution 




I have participated in a range of ABL activities to the best of my ability.

I have participated in a wide range of ABL activities to the best of my ability

I have participated in all of the ABL activities to the best of my ability

Student Instructions

Year 9 ABL (Adventure Based Learning) is a unit that aims to introduce students to ABL. Doing this unit the start of the year it is a positive way to get to know classes and identify individual and group needs whilst having fun. 

The class focus is on participation and contribution, whilst getting to know and engage with each other as a class unit. 

This assessment activity requires you to:

  • Participate in a wide range of ABL activities learning about: Communication, Participation and Encouragement.

  • Reflect on your experiences during the ABL activities.

ABL class contract

Do Now: Discuss with the person next to you what are 5 important aspects that will help your class work together and complete the ABL activities to the best of your ability.

Once you have had this discuss as a class come up with a class contract to be listed below

1. Remember to bring my PE gear  

2. To participate in every sport  


3. Listen to the instructions

4. To encourage everyone  

5. Play the right way 

Student Sign: Seluone

Start of ABL unit
Identify your current interpersonal skills

Put a (Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...) in the correct box




Question 1: I can communicate positively by ...

Sharing my ideas

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Listening well when others have ideas.

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Using listening skills to understand the feelings of others

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Question 2: I can participate as a team member by ..


Recognising the strengths I bring to my class


Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Showing skills to handle challenges


Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Making safe and responsible choices


Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Question 3: I can encourage others by …..

Showing respect to everyone

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Giving and receiving compliments.

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

See how my participation affects the success of my class

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Reflection 1

Do Now: Complete a blog entry or this page on the following questions about the ABL activity you just participated in based on positive communication.

Activity: turbo touch 

Date: 3/5/2020

Class Discussion


What does communication look like: Everybody participating and having fun. And working as a team.   

What does communication sounds like: Having fun 

What does communication feel like:communication feels like team work 

Explain how communication influenced you during your activity: it influenced me by people telling me to keep going 

Reflection 2

Do Now: Complete a blog entry or this page on the following questions about the ABL activity you did in class based on active participation .

Activity: volleyball


Class Discussion


  1. What does participation look like: it looks like a lot of people running around 

    2. What does participation sounds like: people yelling 

    3. What does participation feel like: feels like team work

    4. Explain how participation influenced you during your activity: it influenced me  

Reflection 3

Do Now: Complete a blog entry or this page on the following questions about the ABL activity you did in class based on active encouragement.



Class Discussion


  1. What does encouragement look like: encouragement looks like support and teamwork.

    2. What does encouragement sounds like: Encouragement sounds like support,cheering,teamwork

    3. What does encouragement feel like: Encouragement feels helpful,supportive,and cheerful.

    4. Explain how encouragement influenced you during your activity:

End of ABL unit
Identify your current interpersonal skills

Put a (Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...) in the correct box




Question 1: I can communicate positively by ...

Sharing my ideas

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Listening well when others have ideas.

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Using listening skills to understand the feelings of others

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Question 2: I can participate as a team member by ..


Recognising the strengths I bring to my class


Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Showing skills to handle challenges


Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Making safe and responsible choices


Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Tick, Complete, Check, Right, ...

Question 3: I can encourage others by …..

Showing respect to everyone


Giving and receiving compliments.


See how my participation affects the success of my class


ABL Reflection

(blog Link)

What have I learned about myself from this unit that I take into the next module? I learned about PE and how to roll with it when it comes to PE.

What skills in this unit have I struggled with that I can focus on further in the next unit? Nothing

Did I reach my initial goal? Yes

What could I do to continue the skills I have learnt in ABL? Practice more and more.

Who could I do this with? my friends